Oftentimes it feels like we can’t keep up with kids’ ever expanding collection of toys, books, and clothes; even more so when they need to share a bedroom. These shared rooms can feel cramped and lack privacy. Luckily room partitions address all of these problems, create extra storage, and more.
Dividing rooms is made possible with clever solutions like custom shelving that can span the height of the room, our modular system, or panels.
Custom shelving can be used for splitting a room for siblings of different ages. While one child may be already in school, another might just be starting to walk. In these cases the older sibling needs a space that is distinctly theirs, a space that reflects their style and interests. Simultaneously the space has to be function for the young sibling.
A prime example is Sorley and Saskia’s bedroom. This space was converted from just one bedroom to accommodate a nursery and big brother.
When two siblings of different genders need to share a room, they can feel like their privacy is being intruded upon. As they grow older and need to feel separated and independent, room dividers allow each child to have their own “room” in a shared space. See the complete tour here.
Some homes simply don’t have the space, or rooms, to fulfill a families needs. Sectioning off a portion of a large room for multipurpose use is possible with panels or cabinets. This option is great for creating home offices, nurseries, or play rooms.
This large living room had no space to accommodate a nursery. To create a new room we made custom bookshelves with a pocket door. To finish off the space a tuck bed with cabinets acts as another wall sectioning off the space.
View the complete Library room tour here.