
Every new design starts with a rough sketch.

Created with a pencil on a paper or a pen on a tablet, the sketch is the first representation of a concept. It is a quick and simplified version of what will be further developed. Initially it’s about experimenting until we get the proportions right and we are consistent with the initial ideas we want to accomplish.


The sketch has to be seductive. It has to feel good and have a sensual quality. It’s the most creative and artistic moment in the design process. As we are imagining all these shapes coming together in our free-associating mind we allow ourselves to be playful. The pencil can follow the mind but also the mind can follow the pencil… Later will come the hard work, the technical issues, the material details, the cost and how to fabricate it.

Sketches of furniture: bed, shelves, tables.
Sketches of two chair designs: one compact, one expanded.
Two loft bed designs with dimensions, hand-drawn sketches for construction.


When sketching a new product, instead of using the eraser to correct it, I like to create a new sketch by tracing on top of the original sketch in a new piece of paper or in another layer in the iPad. In each subsequent layer the outline becomes more precise, more detailed. Later I add color and texture.

Case study.

In this case I’m designing a low bunk bed that is simple, has fewer parts and is easy to assemble.
Following this concept, the lower bed is right on the ground and the ladder is created by doing cutouts on the footboard.
Once I have the overall shape, I focus on the different parts: the rails, the headboard, the ladder.
After that I put some color to illustrate the finishes.
Finally I try different variations on some of the components. In this case I tried a different version for the footboard where the cutouts are like a climbing wall.
The bunk bed is ready now for CAD (computer aided design) where we will put dimensions and thicknesses of materials, comply with safety regulations and define all the necessary hardware to assemble the piece.