So you have a little creator on your hands, and you’d like to create a room for them that inspires and encourages their genius. Here are 5 elements that you should incorporate into their new “artist’s studio”.

1. Plenty of space to create

Modern home office setup featuring a long white desk with drawers, a white chair on wheels, and a laptop on the desk.First things first, any artist is going to need room to spread out and sketch (and/or paint, write, cut, paste, tape, build, etc...). Creating one-of-a-kind, mind-blowing art is going to be much easier for them when they have a wide desk or table to move supplies and ideas around on. We’ve noticed that often when working on an art project of any sort, kids tend to focus on the supplies directly in front of them, and move anything else off to the side, as to not distract themselves from the task at hand. They might sketch an idea out quickly so they don’t forget it, then push it away and focus on the main canvas until they’re “ready” to incorporate the other idea into it. This is a very specific example of something that seems to be a pervasive thread amongst creatives: a mind that has many ideas floating around at once. Giving them a wide desk allows them to spread out and organize these thoughts more easily. 

2. A way to highlight their works of art

Modern home office with built-in shelves, desk, books, and a patterned rug.Sometimes “pinned onto the refrigerator under a pizza delivery magnet” just isn’t going to cut it. No matter what medium of art your kid prefers, their room should encourage it by being a space where they can proudly display the creations they’re most proud of. 

Floating shelves are a great option if your child likes to sculpt with clay or build tactile objects. 

Another option is interesting looking picture frames that they can easily switch out on their own. 

Hand framing vibrant abstract art on white wall.

One of our favorite additions to any kid’s room is a whiteboard or chalkboard panel. These are easy ways to allow your kid to “redecorate” their room often. These can double as a reminder wall for those ever-pacing creative brains that might forget the more mundane tasks, like chores.

Child’s hand drawing on paper, fridge magnets visible.

3. A relaxing spot to imagine

A child in a bed with star-patterned sheets, surrounded by colorful drawings and photos taped to the wall above.

Your little visionary will also need a space to sit quietly and ponder the wonders of the world, in order to inspire their next creation. This isn’t an absolute truth for everyone, but generally speaking, creative kids tend to be introverted at times, so giving them space to “burrow” and zone-out can be very comforting. Beds like this loft are a great example of how to designate a place to relax and recharge, separate from the area where they create, even if their room is on the smaller side.

4.Storage for Supplies

 A tidy desk with art supplies, books, and decorations, including various magnets on the wall and items on the shelves.

When inspiration strikes, there’s no time for your little Picasso to worry about whether or not they’re making a mess. They have to get that idea out before it slips away. So when the dust settles and the art is safely down on paper where it can’t escape, making it easy to put things back is essential. We’ve found that the best way to get kids to keep their room clean is by making a spot for each and every item. This way, they don’t even need to think about where to put things when it comes time to tidy up. Here’s an example of a very organized space that we created for a child, that made cleaning up something they can do on auto-pilot.


5. Adaptability

Modern bunk bed with wooden stairs, storage drawers, cut-out designs, and toy-themed bedding on the lower bed.

Being the parent of a creative child, you’re probably well aware that they are constantly exploring new ideas and finding new obsessions and passions to focus on. We love this about creative kids, but it can be a challenge to keep up with if you don’t set their room up with the right foundational pieces. Choosing a more neutral palette for larger items will allow you and your child to redecorate often with the smaller decorative items around them.