Finding the right bunk bed for your child is an essential part of parenting for many of us – once your kiddo is old enough to safely sleep in a bunk, you may want to start shopping around for a model that blends in with your home.

In this guide, we'll be covering all there is to know about bunk beds for kids, going over the different types of bunks and how to install and safety-proof your new bed. Let's start by defining a bunk bed, as the term has meant different things in the past.

What exactly is a bunk bed, anyways?

Originally used by sailors on 16th century wooden ships, traditional bunk beds have been used as a space-saving sleeping method for hundreds of years. And while we’ve come a long way from canvas beds on creaky sea bound vessels, the basic idea behind a bunk-style bed is still the same.

Nowadays, bunk beds are a popular choice for parents with limited sleeping space or multiple kids, offering them an easy solution to an otherwise crowded bedroom. Bunk beds for kids are commonly found in sizes ranging from twin to twin XL and full – before being stacked on top of each other.

What are the most common types of bunk beds?

Before choosing a bunk bed for your child, you’re going to want to know about all the different styles available, as bunk beds happen to be some of the most versatile types of kids beds on the market. So let’s go down the list of all the different kinds you’ll come across:

Twin and full size bunk beds

Casa Kids Choice: our Cabin Bunk Bed and Capsule Bunk Bed

The most basic kind of bunk bed there is, this style is perfect for homes strapped for space, as most of the time they’re simply just two sleek twin or full size beds that fit together to form a bunk. Minimalist, economical, and ideal for rooms that have lower ceilings – a twin bunk bed or full bunk bed can also be taken apart and used as two separate beds if needed, making them a great choice for families who plan on moving homes at some point.

Loft-style bunk beds

Casa Kids Choice: our Cabina Loft Bed and Aspen Loft Bed

Alright, so what is a bunk bed with only the top bunk called? Similar to a regular twin or full sized bunk bed, a loft-style bunk bed keeps the top bunk but usually removes the lower one in favor of creating more space. And that’s it, really – the only real difference between loft beds and standard bunk beds is that a loft bed won’t include a lower bunk.

Perfect for kids who like to get cozy with a book or movie, a loft bunk bed is a space-saving marvel. The now empty lower section of these bunks are often filled with a desk or used as storage space, but they can also be converted into an L-shaped bunk as well.

L-shaped and T-shaped bunk beds

Casa Kids Choice: our Cabina L-shaped Bed and Dumbo T-shaped Bed

L-shaped bunk beds and T-shaped bunk beds are a combination of the above, taking a loft-style bunk but adding a second full or twin bed underneath at a perpendicular angle. These uniquely shaped bunks aren’t quite as good at saving space, but they offer your kid’s a super comfortable and fun space to hangout, study, and sleep in.

Perfectly placed in an empty corner in your kid’s bedroom, you can also easily just remove the lower bed and rearrange it as needed. For example – if your kids end up with their own rooms at some point, you can simply move one of the beds into the new room or any available guest rooms and convert the loft bed into a study-zone.

Triple bunk beds and more

The other great thing about bunks is that they’re easily customizable – at Casa Kids, we specialize in creating comfortable, sturdy, and compact models, and over the years we’ve come up with a handful of unique beds that work for parents with more particular needs. If none of these options work for you, we'd love to schedule a consultation and come up with a custom solution for your home.

Our HiHi Triple Bunk Bed was designed for homes with higher ceilings, and is the perfect solution if you have three kiddos sharing the same room. Ideal for rooms with ceilings around 10 feet tall, the HiHi has both a regular bunk ladder and side cutouts with easy-grip entrances.

If you’re looking for a super compact option, our LoLo Bunk Bed was designed for homes with low ceilings, and like all our beds, can be separated if needed. If you do end up separating the two beds, the LoLo’s top bunk has enough space underneath to fit some storage or an additional trundle bunk bed.

Our miniBUNK Bridge Bed is one of the smallest options out there, tailor-fit for parents who prefer their kid’s beds to be lower to the ground or for kids sleeping in smaller rooms. Our miniBUNKs also feature larger safety rails and sit under 5 feet tall, allowing you to reach the top bunk easily if needed.

Last but not least, if you don't want a twin over twin bunk bed, our Marino Twin Over Full Bunk Bed works great if you have an older child who would prefer a larger bed – or go for the twin XL over queen option. Either way, this model includes the option of an additional slot underneath meant for a pull-out trundle bed.

What's the best way to choose a bunk bed for your kid?

With so many different types of bunk beds to choose from, it can be daunting to decide on the perfect fit for your home. But realistically, all you need to do is ask yourself a series of simple questions – once finished, you’ll have narrowed down your choices.

Before we get into it, here’s a quick cheat sheet comparing three of our most popular models that may help you decide:


Comparison chart of Marino, Cabin, LoLo bunk beds with key features and suitability icons.


Now, ask yourself a short series of questions that will narrow down the best bunk bed design for you:

How tall is your ceiling?

This is the first question you need to ask yourself, and physically measure! The bed options available to you will change depending on if you have high or low ceilings – but we do make bed models that work with nearly any ceiling height.

Here’s a comparison between our three most popular bunk bed models:


Bed designs Marino, Cabin, LoLo with sizes 8’4


With that being said, the other option for homes with ceilings over 10 feet tall is our HiHi Triple Bunk Bed – a modular triple bunk perfect for families with three children, as long as the third bed isn't too close to the ceiling.

How much floor space do you have available?

Bunk beds are inherently compact, designed to save space and make room for more important things – but there are lots of modern options that go beyond this. The main choice you’ll have to make is choosing between a normal stacking style bunk bed or a perpendicular-style, including our L-shaped and T-shaped bunk bed models.

For example, our Marino L-shaped Bunk Bed takes up much more floor space than our miniBUNK Graffiti Bed. Ultimately, you’ll have to decide whether your kid’s room needs additional floor space with a compact bed or could benefit from a larger bed like a loft-and-desk bunk setup.

How many children do you have?

If you only have one kid, one of the best bunk bed options is a loft bunk – one that removes the bottom bed and replaces it with an area that can be used for studying during the week and playing video games on the weekends.

If you have two children, a regular bunk with two beds or even an L-shaped or T-shaped bed would be a great option. For families with three or kids, a triple stacking bunk or a combination of the above would be your best bet.

What age is best for bunk beds?

Now that you know which styles suit your family best, think a bit about your kid’s age, height, and weight. These things matter more in terms of the size of the bed rather than the style. The great thing about our custom modular bunk beds is that most models come with the option to choose between twin, twin XL, and full sized beds – covering the most common sizes for most kids.

If your kids are still very young, you could consider going with a smaller bunk like our miniBUNK model. But our kids grow up fast – and if yours are shooting up faster than you thought possible, investing in a full-sized model like our full-sized Marino Bunk Bed is your best option. The Marino was designed to be able to hold the weight of both a child and parent in the top bunk, making it perfectly suited for bigger kids.

The main thing to be aware of is that your child should be around five or six years old to use the bottom bunk, and six years or older if they want to sleep in the top bunk of a bunk bed.

Do you want ladders or stairs?

Bunks will either have ladders or stairs that allow your child to climb up to the top bunk, with a few big differences between the two options.

Ladders provide your child with more space, can usually be removed and placed in different spots, and are more affordable. Stairs are easier to safer, easier to climb, and are multi-functional – because they’re usually hollow, stairs can double as storage drawers or a seat when needed.

What kind of mattress should you use for a bunk bed?

Just like every other kind of bed, the size of the mattress is actually what dictates the bed size – in other words, before you choose a bunk bed for your kid, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the most common kids bed sizes.

This may involve a bit of measuring tape and patience, but in the end you’ll have a perfectly fitting bunk bed that won’t leave you with any lingering buyer’s remorse. One thing to watch out for is buying a mattress that’s too tall, as you don’t want the space between the two bunks or the ceiling to be so small that your child could bump their head.

What are the benefits of using bunk beds?

Bunk beds aren’t just fun – this style of bed comes with a long list of benefits, making them a perfect option for new and experienced parents redoing their child’s bedroom:

  • Bunks are compact, opening up your kid’s bedroom for more play space

  • A bunk bed are modular pieces of furniture, and can be taken apart and used separately

  • Sleepovers are much easier with an extra cozy bunk available

  • Bunks give siblings more privacy compared to separate beds

  • Most bunk beds can be modified to include tons of storage space

Which bed is better in bunk beds?

Perhaps one of the greatest debates of childhood, deciding which bunk is better will always vary between individuals. Kids who love to climb and explore, and are fans of curling up in a cozy spot to read may prefer the top bunk. On the other hand, if your kid is someone who loves to nap with the family dog, the bottom bunk may be a better fit.

How safe are bunk beds?

Despite being higher off the ground, bunk beds are extremely safe. As a parent, it’s understandable to be nervous about swapping to a bunk bed, but the good news is bunk-bed related injuries are rare and most models come with modern safety features introduced via standards and regulations drawn up decades ago.

At Casa Kids, all of our solid wood bunk beds come with:

  • Guard rails, which keep your child safe in the top bunk

  • Lots of openings, designed specifically so children don’t get stuck or fall

  • An exceptionally strong design compared to less-sturdy metal bunk beds

With that in mind, a corner bunk bed is the safest location-wise, as beds touching two walls are much sturdier and safer – this is the location that built-in bunk beds are usually located as well.

Additionally, the ceiling in your child’s room should be high enough so your kiddos don’t bump or bruise their head when they sit up, and always positioned away from any fans or ceiling lights.

Teaching your child about safety matters, so you should educate your kids about bunk bed safety when they’re old enough to understand:

  • Children under the age of 6 should avoid sleeping in the top bunk

  • Extremely restless sleepers may also want to avoid the top bunk

  • Bunk beds aren’t playgrounds – jumping isn’t allowed

  • Never hang things like scarves, belts, or jump ropes from bunk beds, as these pose a serious risk for strangulation if a child becomes entangled

What age can a child go in a bottom bunk bed?

Depending on how mature your kid is, the best age to transition a child from a toddler or junior bed into the bottom bunk of a bunk bed is around five or six years old. Luckily, you can always just keep a bunk bed separated until your kids are old enough to sleep in them stacked.

Is it safe for a 5 year old to sleep on the top bunk?

While the bottom bunk is safe for younger children, the upper bunk of a bunk bed should always be reserved for kids who are at least six years old – always wait until your child is older than five or six to stack the beds and let them sleep up top.

At what age will your child outgrow their bunk bed?

This question comes up a lot, and the truth is it’s going to depend on your individual child. Physically outgrowing a bed is one thing – if your child can’t comfortably sleep in a standard bunk bed because they’re too tall or heavy, it’s obviously time to switch things up.

In terms of age, however – you’ll have to talk to your child. At some point, most kids decide they would prefer separate beds or even rooms from their siblings, but this is going to depend on your home’s bedroom situation.

Are bunk beds OK for adults?

At Casa Kids, we specialize in making modular bunk beds for kids – but that doesn’t mean adults can’t enjoy a bunk if they prefer. While we don’t personally recommend adults sleeping in our bunk beds, some of our models including the Marino Bunk Bed can support the weight of a parent and child for nights where story-time is required.

Final thoughts

Buying bunk beds is a right of passage for many parents, and just a fun and cozy way to sleep as a child. Finding the right type and size of bunk bed is made easy when shopping at Casa Kids, so make sure to check out our affordable, custom-made bunk beds. If you have any other bunk bed related concerns, stop on by our blog for more content.

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