Cozy bedroom with loft bed, desk, shelves, and brick wall.

Eli's Room: Level Up

Eli's narrow bedroom is typical for homes in NYC. With a space too tight to add dressers, armoires or other kids bedroom furniture and storage around the room, we decided to customize our Dumbo Storage Bed for Eli. The bottom of Eli's bed became three layers of drawers for a total of nine. Three additional drawers are included in his staircase. At Eli's young age this bed is still safe while being taller than typical platform beds.

Included in a niche to the right of the bed, Eli has a custom Modulor Desk where he can do school work. The upper hutch of the bed allows Eli to display toys and family photos. To the left of the bed a massive bookshelf with easy access from his bed. Eli loves picking out a book to read before bed from his shelf. 

Child reaching for shelf with toys, books, and dinosaur picture.
Chest of drawers with open drawers against brick wall.
Child with obscured face organizing clothes in a drawer.
Child at desk with books, sports memorabilia, and photos.
Child studying at a desk surrounded by books, sports items, and personal photographs.
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